To ensure temporary migrant workers of exploitation have access to the right resources, communities are educated and aware of the issues, and policy reflects their needs.
All temporary migrant workers of exploitation have access to resources that lead to safety, a voice and a future.
Since 2019 MERF has been providing a service for temporary migrant workers who are victims of exploitation in New Zealand (NZ). MERF continues to grow and develop so that we can immediately provide support for workers who do not qualify, due to their circumstances, for any other assistance in New Zealand.
There is a real opportunity and requirement to change the environment in NZ now, with an ever growing need for the services MERF provide.
Ensuring temporary migrant workers of exploitation (victims) have access to the right resources, by ensuring their safety, identifying immediate needs and assistance required, investigating the claim, and that they are heard.
Educating and creating awareness of the magnitude of temporary worker exploitation within New Zealand through sharing victims experiences to ensure they have a voice with community, industry and government.
Influencing policy change throughs the collaboration and support of existing agencies as well working with government, industry and communities to ensure that policy and legislation protects exploited migrants and offenders are prosecuted
What are the opportunities for MERF?
In their home country
Education & awareness
Identification of unethical businesses
Relationship building with International agencies
At work
Education & awareness
Identification of unethical businesses
Accessibility to MERF and support
Identification of trusted persons and organisations
Intelligence on NZ environment
Arrive at airport or town of work
Education & awareness
Identification of unethical businesses
Relationship building with local agencies